
通用频率计数器 HP5316A

厂家: 美国惠普

The 5316A Universal Counter uses a unique custom circuit called the MRC (Multiple Register Counter) which packs counting and computing power into one unit. HP-IB provides programmable functions and control. Display is an 8-digit LED for superior resolution. The unit is housed in a rack-and-stack metal case, has built-in HP-IB capabilities and front panel access to Channel A and B trigger levels for easy measurement with a DVM.
Frequency range (channel A) is 0.1Hz to 100MHz. 
Period range is 10 ns to 105 sec, time interval range is 100 ns to 105 sec. 
Ratio range is 0.1Hz to 100MHz (both channels) and totalize range is DC to 100MHz. 

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